La Cause des Esclaves Nègres et des Habitans de la Guinée, Portée au Tribunal de la Justice, de la Religion, de la Politique; ou Histoire de la Traite & de l’Esclavage des Nègres, preuves de leur illégitimité, moyens de les abolir sans nuire ni aux Colonies ni aux Colons
Aimé de la Roche
De Zaak der negerslaaven en der invooneren van Guinea... door B. J. Frossard... Uit het fransch vertaald (Gravenhage: Van Cleef, 1790). Dutch.
Abolition Campaigns
Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Goldsmiths' Library of Economic Literature, University of London. Rhodes House, Oxford. British Library. Biblioteca Nacional de España. Kongelige Bibliotek, Danmark.
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Cause Slaves Guinea Africa French Slave Trade Abolition Colonies
"The cause of negro slaves and the inhabitants of Guinea", written by the French protestant Benjamin Frossard, was heralded by the Société des Amis des Noirs as a major French contribution to the abolitionist debate. The text suggests that the only reason the transatlantic slave trade was still permitted by Europe was because it was happening far away, and therefore only had a fleeting impact on public emotion and interest. Bringing the trade before the "tribunal of public opinion" (vol 1, 16) would quickly help to bring it to a legal end, according to Frossard. However, he suggested that the larger project of abolishing slavery itself, this "political monster" (vol 2, 396) would take "a century of good actions" (vol 1, 21) to achieve.
Two volumes. The link above shows the frontispiece image to volume one of Frossard's La Cause des Esclaves Nègres. It depicts a crowned woman dispensing freedom to kneeling slaves. The image is entitled "Soyez libres et citoyens" (Be free and be citizens).