Prospectus de la Société pour l'abolition de l'esclavage
A. Henry [printer]
Abolition Campaigns
Bibliothèque de la Société de l'histoire du Protestantisme français, Paris
Prospectus Society Abolition Slavery France Britain Colonies
According to the 1834 prospectus of the newly-founded French Society for the Abolition of Slavery, by the 1830s slavery could no longer seriously be defended. However, despite an apparent consensus, a united effort was still needed to drive forward the reform of French colonial slave law. The loss of Saint-Domingue and "wounded national pride" (4) are cited as factors holding back the development of a real anti-slavery French political culture, yet the 1833 British abolition of slavery is seen as a potential turning point for the Caribbean: "when the cries of liberty from neighbouring shores resound in our islands..." (5). The newly established Society intended to encourage France to follow this example. This manifesto was signed by Broglie, Passy, Odilon-Barrot, De la Borde and Isambert. A number of French peers and MPs were also founding members of the Society.
See the download for more information about the French Society for the Abolition of Slavery. The Bibliothèque Nationale de France holds a run of nineteen periodical bulletins issued by the Society between 1835 and 1842 (after which point the official publication of the Society, L'Abolitionniste français, was founded).