Appeal to the hearts and consciences of British Women
A. Cockshaw
Abolition Campaigns
Friends House Library, London. British Library.
Slavery West Indies British Women Appeal Sugar Abstinence Campaign Female Character
This pamphlet appeals to the patriotism of British women, in order to encourage a campaign opposing slavery, "this national crime" (8), by a "general system of decisive practical discouragement" (4), including a boycott of slave-produced sugar, and encouraging East India sugar as an alternative. The pamphlet concludes with an illustration of "the malignant influence which slavery exerts over the female character" (12) in the story of Donna Sophia d'Almeydra, whose husband was a slave trader in Mozambique (also published in the Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter no.32, and in the 1828 pamphlet: Remarks on the demoralizing influence of slavery).
Unnamed author, attributed to Elizabeth Heyrick. Cites articles from the Anti-Slavery Monthly Reporter and the Christian Observer, the First report of the Liverpool Ladies' Anti-Slavery Association and pamphlets including James Stephen's England Enslaved by her own Slave Colonies (1826) and East and West India Sugar by Zachary Macaulay (1823).