Conferencias Anti-Esclavistas del Teatro de Lope de Rueda
Sociedad Abolicionista Española
Abolition Campaigns
Biblioteca Nacional de España
Anti-Slavery Conference Essay Speech Letter Pamphlet Periodical Journal Compendium
Printed as a compendium of the year's work of the Spanish abolitionist society of Madrid from February 1871 to January 1872, this collection includes an essay: 'La Cuestion de la Esclavitud en 1871', and a manifesto from the Sociedad Abolicionista Española addressed to the nation, which describes slavery as "weighing with immense heaviness on the national conscience" (3). It also includes a letter to the Minister for the Colonies, and an address to the Spanish Parliament, as well as information regarding the two major periodicals published by the Society: La Propaganda, a weekly political and abolitionist newspaper edited by the Society's secretary, José Giner, and El Correo de España, a literary journal edited by Rafael de Labra.